miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2004

Yin and Yang ... (2)

O'Sensei said:

"Eight forces sustain creation:
Movement and stillness,
Solidification and fluidity,
Extension and contraction,
Unification and division."

(7:07 am)

Here I am again to continue for a little while this thread. O' Sensei knew that this world of opposites was only half of the story. The other half is the one that talks of unity. Why is it that we only see the conflict in everything there is?. The reason is a simple and easy one. Because we choose to. His art became a beautiful expression of the unity of opposites.Isn't this what we see when nage and uke meet?. It may not be apparent but this is what happens when nage and uke blend in common agreement every time they engage in training. Sometimes it is not so evident. Probably because we choose to confront rather than to harmonize one with another.Well, that is also part of the whole, and there's no need to loose sleep about it. We agree and we disagree. We fight and we make peace. What will we choose?. And no matter what we choose we will keep being part of a whole. There's no way we can escape this reality...

More on this theme (spanish) in our sister page, Aiki Dojo de Levittown.

Sensei Myriam

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