We were talking that a "reality" may be one thing to me and a totally different thing to another person. Why is this? . I believe that it has to do with our perceptions of things. Quantum physics has established that two observers in different locations can perceive and describe a single event in very different ways, just because their location in relation to the event differ.
A little ant encounters a sugar granule in the table and it appears to her as a great obstacle and object. Nevertheless, while sitting in front of the same table while drinking coffee, this same granule we extend our hand and with just a finger we take it and taste or just throw it away. For the ant it may be a great source of food. For you and me is just ... a tiny granule.
It is the same granule. The same reality. But, the perception of it is so different. I'm always amazed when I meet people who believe that their way is the only and ultimate reality.
I was also telling you that between a thought and an action there is a time space... it may be small or big depending our own temperament and way of reacting to things....but it will always be full of potential. What do I mean about "full of potential"?. I'll tell you soon enough...
Sensei Myriam
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