viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2004

Breathing and thoughts...

I witness yesterday a wonderful situation. One of our senior students was having a tough time trying to relax himself to do a technique. He is a very strong man and he reflects it in all he does in dojo. At the end of the class students were been called to the center to demostrate. He was last. His first attempt was so hard. Even though uke was very flexible the movements were not fluid. He was again instructed to breath uke coming in for the katatekosatori, to breath out while doing his initial movement... breathing in and breathing out every step of the way as the technique unfolded. The movement although less hard lacked one element... and this was compassion. Then he was asked: "What is it you love the most in your life?". "My children", was his immediate response. "Then, your uke is your son, you want to get him to sleep". We were amazed... the whole movement, his body and how he handle uke was so different and fluid. I know he left dojo with a lot to think about...

Sensei Myriam

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