viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2004

Dont' happy

In this our Aikido life training is hard. We get tired. And not every day flows as smoothly as we would want. One of my students use to say when she is cool: " Hoy estoy rosita". Which means, "I'm mellow and cool". But everyday counts for something in our training. Even the days we make a lot of mistake and we return to our "both left feet" pattern. Or the days that we feel we can fly because there's no ukemi fall we can't do. "Everything is Ok", I say to my students. In life we have to learn to have fun. And this include learning to laugh at ourselves. The Fool is the most wise and free of beings. He is so detached even from his own idea of who he thinks he is or should be. He just is in the present and lives life to the fullest enjoying every detail of it. Everything is just fine with things as they are...

Sensei Myriam

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