viernes, 8 de octubre de 2004

Joy... and sorrow

Stand in the middle.
Let suffering pass through.
Let joy pass through.
Do not identify,
as though there is
nothing but suffering,
nothing but joy.
Yes, there is joy.
Yes, there is suffering.
Say, 'I suffer,
I can go through this
and learn what is it to be learned'.
Stand in the middle,
knowing the suffering will pass,
knowing the joy will pass.
From : Coming Home to Myself
There are moments that we are happy... and there are moments that we are sad. I choose not to run. Instead lying still with open heart willing to learn and understand. I am here, let peace be in the midst of all there is..... mcr

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

The process is hard and relentless...But I won't give up.