viernes, 22 de octubre de 2004

Life and conflicts ...(3)

" Martial arts strategists are often stingy when it comes to detailed explanations, but on one point they all agree. Power is in the eyes. Piercing eyes to go beyond appearances. Piercing eyes to cut through the veil of mental speculations and find ourselves face to face with the essence of things. Observation and knowledge are closed friends. One comes from the other...."

Taken from: On The Warrior's Path

How to not be affected by our "mental speculations"?. How to go beyond appearances?. How to see the "essence of things"? This is a process we all have to undergo... and is also a very special training of our "self" by ourselves. Our teachers can guide us but it is to us to clean and polish the mirror to reflect reality clearly. Then will we have knowledge uncontaminated by our perceptions. The conflicts within determines our conflicts experienced in our daily living.

Sensei Myriam

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