viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2004

Nothing in itself...

" A path is nothing in itself. It is the impression left by the tread of feet of those who went before.
The relief of recovering a path is that of being reconected with others like myself....
For a path is an intersubjective space. Its free and pursposive trajectory is created and maintained
by those who use it. Leave it for a year or two, and grasses and weeds will reclaim it.
As you walk along a path, you are indebted to every man, woman, child and dog who preceded you.
And each time you place a foot on the ground, you maintain the path for those who will follow. In pushing aside a fallen branch, you take responsibility for those who will come later....
Buddha recognized that it was not enough to find a path. One had to cultivate it....
The survival of a path is achieved not by preserving it but by walking it -
even when you have no clear idea of where it will lead."
Stephen Batchelor
In the same way a dojo is nothing in itself...
A teacher is nothing in itself...
A student is nothing in itself...
I am because you are not...
You are because I am not....
And yet ....
because of this
we all are.
Or, are we...?
Sensei Myriam

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