martes, 12 de octubre de 2004

An impeccable warrior....

" The way of the warrior is not a hobby nor is it a collection of fighting techniques and physical excercises. It is a way to wake up, to walk, to drink, to think, to act. One who remembers to be a warrior only within the confines of a martial arts school is not a warrior at all. The sword master Seizan wrote, 'The dojo is the backround and everyday life comes first. Therefore, it is silly to think it is sufficient to carry oneself well only in the dojo". If our way of being warrior's is limited to the practice of martial arts, we haven't learned much. Cultivating warrior virtues is not a part-time job: heroes for two hours within the dojo, before going back to a life without magic. Everyday life is the real battlefield."

Taken from: On The Warrior's Path

Will follow...

Sensei Myriam

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