miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2004

The path...

It is so sweet when you find words that expresses what you have in your heart...
Here are some:

" Martial arts are not important. What is important is who we are and what we want to become. Important are our dreams, our ideals, our lives, the kind of person we would like to be. To be truly walking on the warrior's path, we have to bring our minds ( and hearts...these I add...Sensei Myriam) back to the time when we were not ashamed of our dreams; when reality had not yet frustrated our ambitions; when our desire was still too strong to be repressed, and our spirit refused to surrender in resignation; when we were not yet doctors, businessmen, or lawyers, but still wanted to be heroes, leaders, bodhisatvas."

Taken from: On the Warrior's Path by Daniele Bolelli

Sensei Myriam

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