martes, 19 de octubre de 2004

Life and conflicts....

" In everyday life, conflict never leaves our side. It follows us closely at every step. Physical combat is nothing but the most spectacular and obvious form of conflict. Whether we are aware of it or not , we face several conflicts every day. Stupidity tells us that a physical combat is only a physical combat and that the strategy of martial arts serves no other end but to defeat the opponent. However, a double digit IQ is enough to understand that something much more important is at stake. Emerging as the winner out of a thousands
fights and becoming gods of martial effectiveness is not such a great result if we end up being defeated by daily life...Combat is a ritual form that points out to a wider conflict. For this reason, truly understanding the strategy of combat means understanding how to face reality rather than endure it. Am I saying that life is tough and mean, and we have to constantly fight in order not to be crushed?. Not at all. Living life as it were an eternal battles is not wise but only paranoid. The philosophy of martial arts invites us to do just the oposite."

Taken from: On The Warrior's Path

How to do the opposite?. Why are we training for?. What does these words mean?. I'll let the author explain soon...

Sensei Myriam

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